NASEO State Solar Cybersecurity Workshop and Exercise (Open to State and Territory Energy Offices and Invited Guests Only)

October 24, 2024
Washington, DC 20005

The National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO), with support from the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO), will host an in-person workshop and discussion-based tabletop exercise on October 24, 2024, in Washington, DC. This event is part of the larger Cybersecurity Advisory Team for State Solar (CATSS) effort that has leveraged state, federal, and private-sector expertise to identify model solar-cybersecurity programs and actions for states to take in support of solar-cybersecurity policy and regulatory objectives. The event will feature educational and technical sessions, designed to explore the intersecting roles and responsibilities of the solar industry and states in emergency response and mitigation, and coordination following a cybersecurity incident affecting photovoltaic (PV) solar assets. This convening will support state efforts to enshrine solar-cybersecurity planning in formal state plans, policies, procedures, and doctrine (e.g., State Energy Security Plans), but also provide them with the ability to apply lessons learned to other distributed energy resources (DERs). A preliminary draft agenda is included below.

Contact: Sarah Trent