The National Council on Electricity Policy 2024 Annual Meeting: Engaging Communities in Their Energy Future

October 29-30, 2024
Phoenix, AZ

The National Council on Electricity Policy (NCEP) Annual Meeting will take place October 29-30, 2024, in Phoenix, AZ. NCEP, with its member organizations NASEO, NGA, NCSL, NACAA, NASUCA, and NARUC, will focus on how community engagement fits into critical state energy and electricity challenges. NCEP is a platform for all state-level electricity decision-makers to share and learn from diverse perspectives on the evolving electricity sector. The NCEP community includes representatives from state public utility commissions, air and environmental regulatory agencies, governors’ staffs, State Energy Offices, state legislatures, and consumer advocates. At this year’s annual meeting, NCEP will focus on pressing issues that benefit from community engagement, share promising approaches to develop trust and partnerships with communities, and identify potential areas for collaboration among state policy-makers for more effective community engagement. Join colleagues across the country to learn and contribute your own experiences! For more information and to register, please click here.