Michigan Energy Office Selects Three Cities for Smart City Roadmap Pilot Program

Source: RL Martin

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great lakes, and Energy (EGLE), the State Energy Office, announced on June 14 the selection of three cities to participate in a State Energy Program-funded $3.5 million pilot project to address climate change, promote resiliency, improve infrastructure, and accelerate the use of clean energy, smart city technology, and efficient mobility solutions. The cities of Flint, Dearborn, and Marquette will engage with EGLE as well as two subcontractors over a three-year period to develop a framework for other cities in Michigan to reference when making sustainable investments.

The three selected cities will undergo a rigorous process as part of the pilot program. Each city will work with NextEnergy, a Michigan leader in deploying smart city technologies, to develop strategies to reduce the cities’ greenhouse gas emissions; increase their ability to attract and retain workers and businesses; enhance the safety of energy and mobility systems; boost private sector and community investments; and improve overall quality of life. Another subcontractor, Public Sector Consultants, will facilitate a robust stakeholder engagement process on behalf of the cities as well as provide program assessments. Additionally, the program will develop a Community Smart City Readiness and Deployment guide to help other Michigan communities undertake their own sustainability initiatives.

EGLE anticipates that this pilot program will help position Michigan to be a leader in the deployment of smart city solutions. For additional information, or if you have questions, please contact Julie Staveland at stavelandj@michigan.gov.