West Virginia Office of Energy Releases Regional Microgrids for Resilience Study

Source: West Virginia Office of Energy

In September 2022, the West Virginia Office of Energy (WVOE) released a Regional Microgrids for Resilience Study prepared for the state by the Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA), supported through the state allocation of the U.S. State Energy Program formula funding. The goal of the study was to provide WVOE with information on potential areas to site microgrids to increase resilience, look at natural hazard risks to critical infrastructure and disadvantaged communities, assess available data on microgrid suitability and economic potential, and explore different state and federal funding opportunities. As a result, the report identified over 350 potential locations for microgrids across West Virginia that provide critical services such as grocery stores, water treatment plants, healthcare facilities, gas stations, and community centers. Some of the potential next steps for WVOE outlined in the report are to update the state energy security and hazard mitigation plans to incorporate microgrids as a resilience strategy; build partnerships between utilities, local and state governments, and other key stakeholder; pursue FEMA BRIC applications; and leverage opportunities with IIJA and other federal funding. The complete report can be accessed here